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Jamie's Garden of Friendship Dedication Pages


----- Original Message ----- 
From: GrammyJ 
To: Jamie
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 11:46 AM
Subject: Good Day Friend

Have a most wonderful day my friend :) Hope the sun is shining for you.

Funny how when you meet someone -
you never really know,
if they are going to stay around -
or suddenly just up and go. 

Rarely do you know ahead -
how important they may be,
will it turn into a friendship -
on that you must wait and see. 

Interesting also is the way you met -
was it planned or just by chance.
It could happen on the Internet -
or at a summer's dance. 

Everyone has an opportunity -
to have an impact on your life.
As an enemy or a lasting friend -
or perhaps a future wife. 

Never underestimate -
how important you may become.
For if you take a friend for granted -
you might end up feeling numb. 

Depends too what you're looking for -
it may be just a fling.
But be careful how you treat them -
or trouble is what it will bring. 

Someday we may understand -
how important friendships really are.
And if compassion replaced anger -
we really could go far. 

Yes, Friends are strangers we've yet to meet
and they may come from anywhere.
Always keep compassion in your heart
and let them know how much you care. 

~© Donald Hayes~ 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: GrammyJ
To: Jamie
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:08 PM
Subject: GOF Special Friend

One day closer to the weekend! Make it a good one!

I need to know if you're my true friend,
will you be by my side until the end?
Can I tell you my secrets deep,
and trust them in your heart you'll keep?
We are neither of us without our flaws,
can you accept mine as I will yours?
I'll be a shoulder to cry on when you're blue,
will you be there for me when I need you?
No matter how busy I will make time for you,
if you are busy will you make time for me too?
I will take your hand and comfort your tears,
will you hold me and soothe my fears?
I will give you joy and many warm smiles,
can we share that even across many miles?
I will not forget what's important to you,
will you remember what's important to me too?
With you my most favorite things I'll share,
If only I know do you truly care?
If you can accept me as I do you,
then I will know you are a friend most true. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: GrammyJ
To: Jamie
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 3:49 PM
Subject: GOF Friend

A heart of gold will never rust
It is too precious and too fine
Those who know it think it to be
Sweeter than the sweetest wine. 

More valuable than any treasure
Shining brighter than anything known
It's love is stronger than any weapon
Those who know it are never alone. 

Nothing else like it on this earth
Hearts of brass and silver cannot compare
To the beauty and warmth it offers each day
And with it my soul shall never be bare. 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: GrammyJ 
To: Jamie
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 12:49 PM
Subject: GOF Friend

1 more day to the weekend!!! Yea!!!!
Have a great one :)

Will you be there when I'm down,
And catch me when I fall?
Will you hold me when I need
To feel the warmth of your touch? 

Will you laugh when I laugh,
And cry when I cry?
Will you let me rant and rave,
When I need to let off steam? 

Will you discuss those painful things,
That you'd rather not think about?
Like the times we've hurt each other,
And promised would never do so again? 

Will you say the right thing,
When all I've heard is the wrong?
And tell me soothing words,
That make the pain I feel subside? 

Will you understand me when I say,
"I can't see you now, go away"?
Will you come back when I call,
As if nothing happened at all? 

If you'll do these things for me,
And keep smiling all the way.
If you'll be with me through the bad times,
As well as the good. 

Then truly you are my friend,
My pal, my mate and my confidante.
And that means so much to me.
I thank you dearly, for being there,
You, My Friend. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: GrammyJ
To: Jamie
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 8:16 AM
Subject: GOF Friend FRIDAY!!!

Have a wonderful weekend.


Keep your eyes upon me, keep me in your sight, Help me don the crooked road, lead me to the light. The road I'm on is dark, I'm not sure if I know the way, Yet with you right beside me, I'm certain I won't stray. Protect me from the world, I know we'll make it through, Give me all the strength I need..... Let me lean on you.

Scatter seeds of kindness everywhere you go;
Scatter bits of courtesy--------
watch them grow and grow.
Gather buds of friendship;
Keep them till full-blown;
You will find more happiness
than you have ever known.

There is only one day that exists and that is TODAY. For tomorrow may never come and yesterday has past and gone...Happiness is life's most precious wise and cherish the happiness you do have and do not dwell on the happiness you don't have.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: GrammyJ
To: Jamie
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 2:22 PM
Subject: GOF Friend Saturday

Have a wonderful Saturday.

Sometimes we meet someone who takes our breath away! We give to them, with great pleasure, all that we have within us to give. We hold out our hearts in trust, and pray that they don't take pot shots at it. Unfortunately, often times, they will take a shot at us... make a direct hit in fact! Then we crawl away to lick our wounds. We start to build walls around ourselves, high and thick. Building a "sanctuary" where our wounded bleeding hearts can mend, a place to heal. We must be careful though, as we build our walls, to reflect on the importance of doors! It is fine to have a safe place to rest as we heal, but without a door in the walls... our sanctuary becomes a prison! A place from which we cannot escape when our hearts have healed. (and they will heal) Also we cannot allow it to become a place to hide, nor a place to sit in fear! 

With a door we can leave when we are ready, though we may have a thousand dead-bolt locks on the door now... at least there is a door! Because, though we may not think it now, a day will come when, again, we will meet someone special... And we will want to give them everything... we will want to hold out our heart,
though right now we may not think it possible that we would ever want to take that risk again! 

So please, dear friend, as you build your sanctuary... remember to reflect on the importance of doors... so that in your time... when you have healed... you can be free!!! 

Ah... too late you say!? The walls already in place? Without a door? Pity.

Then it will be harder for you, dear friend. You must scale the wall! And you, being no more perfect than most, have cracks in your wall, crevices to be used for grip and step. Yes, it will be harder for you, but you can do it, I know you can. A hint I give is that it will be easier if you don't carry the weight of the past on your shoulders as you go!

And there could already be someone on the other side waiting, wanting to soothe you! "Surely not!!! ", you say??? However could you tell?... Through a wall?

~Author Unknown To Me~

----- Original Message ----- 
From: GrammyJ
To: Jamie
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 8:03 PM
Subject: A Brand New Week....

Please make it a safe one.

Today I found a friend
who knew everything I felt
she knew my weakness
and the problems I've been dealt.
She understood my wonders
and listened to my dreams,
she listened to how I felt about life and love
and knew what it all means.
Not once did she interrupt me
or tell me I was wrong
she understood what I was going through
and promised she'd stay long.
I reached out to this friend,
to show her that I care
to pull her close and let her know
how much I need her there.
I went to hold her hand
to pull her a bit nearer
and I realized this perfect friend I found
was nothing but a mirror.


<bgsound src="midi/UNDER-THE-BOARDWALK.mid" loop="1">

Right Click on the icon to adjust sounds.

The song playing on this page is


Please do NOT link to any of the midis. I change the names frequently.
They are here for your listening pleasure and enjoyment
and are believed to be in the public domain.
All copyrights belong to their respective authors. 
This Song came from 60's Music, etc.







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